Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 63 No. 2 (2008)


The influence of nutrition dates and rates of microelements on yields of red clover seeds

  • Marek Ćwintal
  • Mieczysław Wilczek
Submitted: May 22, 2020
Published: 2008-06-23


A strict filed experiment with red clover (Dajana cv.) cultivated for seeds was carried out in 2003–2005 by means of randomized blocks in four replications. There were the following experimental factors: dates of foliage microelement nutrition (1. at the stage of leaf rosette of the second cut plants; 2. at the stage of budding of the second cut plants) and microelement rates (0; 0.20 B; 0.015 Mo; 0.20 B + 0.015 Mo; 0.40 B; 0.030 Mo; 0.40 B + 0.030 Mo kg·ha–1). Dates of foliage microelement application significantly differentiated the number of heads per 1 m2 and the number of seeds per head as well as harvested and potential yields. The highest seed yields were achieved applying boron and molybdenum at budding stage of the second cut plants. Regular and double microelement rates differentiated the yield structure elements. Considerably higher seeds yields – as compared to the control – were harvested in objects with a double dose of boron and molybdenum as well as only boron.


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