Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 79 No. 4 (2024)


A Impact of sowing date and nitrogen fertilization on two cultivars of Tritordeum yield potential – a Polish pilot study

Submitted: September 13, 2024
Published: 18.03.2025


Agricultural production diversity is becoming a key to solve challenges of modern agriculture - including those related to climate change. The main cereals cultivated in Europe are wheat, rye and barley. One of the new cereals introduced recently into producte is Tritordeum -  a hybrid of durum wheat and a wild form of barley. It is adapted for cultivation conditions of warm and dry climate of Mediterranean. However, recent shifts in climate make it an interesting alternative also for temperate climates.It is also a response to increasing consumer demands for food of good nutritional value. A pilot study (pot experiment) on Tritordeum yield potential un-der 3 increasing nitrogen fertilization rates (N1, N2 and N3) have been established in 2020 in eastern Poland. Tritordeum v. Bulel and Tritordeum v. Aucan performance have been compared with Triticum durum and Triticum aestivum performance for two sowing dates – autumn and spring. The results demonstrated that the yield level of Tritordeum v. Bulel was comparable to durum wheat yields. Yields of Triticum aestivum were higher (only by 8% for autumn sowing and approximately 43% for spring sowing). Moreover, Tritordeum v. Bulel had lower yield level than Tritordeum v. Aucan (by approximately 1-8%). All tested species showed good performance un-der medium (N2) or even low (N1) nitrogen fertilization rate. The other traits tested (number of ears, productive tillering, thousand grains weight) placed Tritordeum (in particular Tritordeum v. Bulel) closer to Triticum durum than to Triticum aestivum. Triticum aestivum had higher results in terms of particularly tillering rate and number of spikes per pot than other 3 tested species. Tritordeum has shown that it can be a promising species for cultivation under Polish conditions as its yielding potential can reach yielding potential of Triticum durum. Further field studies on performance of this crop are needed.


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