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Vol. 20 No. 2 (2021)



Submitted: February 12, 2020
Published: 2021-04-26


Growth, morphological parameters, photosynthetic performance and nitrogen status were investigated in leafy herbs grown in light-limited time in a greenhouse under different light spectra emitted by LEDs. Fluorescence-based sensors that detect crop N status and maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem II were used in this study. Four light treatments with the ratio of Red, Blue and White LEDs including 1) R40 + B50 + W10, 2) R70 + B20 + W10, 3) R70 + B20 + W10 + Far-Red and 4) White LEDs as control were used in this study. Dominant red light and/or white LED lights at 200 µmol m–2 s–1 at plant level and a 12 h photoperiod provided the most favourable conditions for plant growth and development compared to a high proportion of blue light (R40 + B50 + W10). However, plants grown under a high proportion of blue light had a higher chlorophyll index and nitrogen balance index (NBI) than under dominant red light treatments. Our study indicates the significant potential of fluorescence-based sensors in photobiology research as well as in the production of leafy herbs under LED lights.


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