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Vol. 14 No. 4 (2015)



Submitted: November 9, 2020
Published: 2015-08-31


The aim of the experiment was to evaluate effects of gibberellic acid and the standard preservative (composed of 8HQC and sucrose) on keeping qualities of cut lily
flowering shoots (L. longiflorum × Asiatic hybrid, ‘Richmond’). These effects were tested in several experimental variants: the complete leafy shoot with the inflorescence (flowering
shoot), inflorescence on a leafless shoot, decapitated leafy shoot, detached inflorescence and single leaves, in order to see how the components of a holding solution affect
the particular plant organs on a lily flowering shoot. An experimental variant affected flower bud opening but less so the flower longevity. Keeping qualities such as vase life of
lily flower and inflorescence, rate of bud opening and flower diameter were improved by the preservative only on a complete flowering shoot. Gibberellic acid as well the mixture
of GA3 plus the standard preservative prolonged longevity of flowers in all the experimental variants. Gibberellic acid delayed leaf yellowing which was in turn hastened by the
preservative except in leaves on decapitated shoots. Leaf senescence was the earliest in detached single leaves.


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