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Vol. 10 No. 1 (2011)



Submitted: January 4, 2021
Published: 2011-03-31


Studies were carried out in the years 2008–2009 in the Experimental Orchard of Fruit Growing Department, on the area of RSGD in Przybroda. Apple-trees of ‘Topaz’
cultivar on M.26 rootstock were planted in five soil localities: 1 – directly in grubbed up rows of an apple-tree orchard, 2 – in herbicide fallow belts of grubbed up apple-tree orchard, 3 – in turf belts of grabbed up apple-tree orchard, 4 – in a locality after a four-year break in apple-tree cultivation, without any preparatory treatments and 5 – in a soil after previous agricultural use – virgin soil. During the realization of studies, the mineral soil content (P, K, Mg) was identified, the total content of nitrogen and the pH value of soil were determined. In order to recognize the nutritional status of trees, the mineral contents of leaves (N, P, K, Mg and Ca) were investigated. Obtained results indicated that the content of mineral components in the soil depended on the earlier applied cultivation methods
and on the soil layer from which the samples were taken. The highest mineral content was found in the soil which had been earlier use for agricultural purposes. The content of total nitrogen in the soil was significantly differentiated, depending on the soil locality where the apple-trees were planted and on the term of sampling. In summer season, the total nitrogen content in the soil was on the lowest level. Soil locality and the content of mineral components in the soil exerted an influence on the mineral composition in the leaves of ‘Topaz’ cultivar apple-trees.


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