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Vol. 21 No. 5 (2022)


Effects of hazelnut husk compost and tea residue compost on quality and performance of 5 BB American grapevine rootstock saplings.

Submitted: November 12, 2020
Published: 2022-10-28


This study was conducted in unheated greenhouses and open-field nurseries of Ordu University Agricultural Faculty in 2017. Effects of hazelnut husk compost and tea residue compost on quality and performance of 5 BB American grapevine rootstock saplings were investigated. The 5 BB American vine rootstock saplings were used as the plant material and different media (soil, perlite, tea residue compost, hazelnut husk compost, soil + farmyard manure, soil + tea residue compost, soil + hazelnut husk compost, soil + tea residue compost + farmyard manure, soil + hazelnut husk compost + farmyard manure, soil + hazelnut husk compost + tea residue compost + farmyard manure) were used as the growing media. To determine the effects of experimental treatments, shoot growth parameters (shoot length, shoot diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, shoot dry weight), root growth parameters (root length, number of roots, root fresh and dry weight, root development level) and final sapling performance (1st grade sapling performance, 2nd grade sapling performance, total sapling performance) were determined. Tea residue compost was found to be effective on shoot and root growth parameters. Tea residue compost also yielded the greatest 1st grade (75%) and total sapling performance (90%). Soil + hazelnut husk compost + farmyard manure (79.6 cm2) was prominent for leaf area and soil + tea residue compost + farmyard manure (28.1) was prominent for chlorophyll content. Soil + hazelnut husk compost + tea residue compost + farmyard manure (21.9 cm) was found to more effective only on root length.


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