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Vol. 11 No. 1 (2012)



Submitted: December 21, 2020
Published: 2012-02-29


In Poland edible honeysuckle becomes more and more popular, especially in amateurish cultivation. There is a little information about cultivation technology. The aim of this study carried out in 2008–2009 was to examine the influence of Goëmar® BM 86 and calcium nitrate on yielding and fruiting quality of two cultivars of blue honeysuckle (Lonicera caerulea var. kamtschatica): ‘Atut’ and ‘Duet’. Using the fertilization with calcium nitrate, applied to the soil around plants, in April at the rate of 50 kg·ha-1, alone or with Goëmar® BM 86 (applied three times during the bloom period at the dose of 3 l·ha-1) was compared to untreated plants. Fertilizers had no positive effect on the yield and the mass of 100 fruit. Fertilizers did not influence significantly on the dry matter, soluble solids, reductive sugar and anthocyanins content. The influence of Goëmar® BM 86 and calcium nitrate on acidity of berries was inconsistent. Honeysuckle berries of cv. ‘Atut’, after using the mentioned combination of preparations, reacted by increasing in acid concentrations, however acid content of ‘Duet’ berries significantly decreased in comparison to the control. The quality features of honeysuckle berries were strongly dependent on the weather conditions during vegetation period.


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