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Vol. 11 No. 2 (2012)



Submitted: December 23, 2020
Published: 2012-04-30


In nursery production there are very few verified rootstocks for production of sweet cherry maiden trees. They do not always guarantee good growth results as well. GiSelA 5 and PHL-A seem to be very interesting ones, however, so far not well examined in a nursery. For a better adaptation of plants and improvement of condition for their growth, mycorrhizal fungus are used more and more often. In the experiment carried out in years 2007–2010 usefulness of four rootstocks and also of mycorrhization treatment for nursery production of maiden trees of two cultivars of sweet cherry trees was checked. The studies covered the following rootstocks: Prunus avium, Colt, GiSelA 5, PHL-A, and sweet cherry trees cultivars: ‘Sumit’ and ‘Vanda’, as well as mycorrhizal inoculum produced by companies: ‘Mycoflor’(inoculum 1) and ‘Suplo’ (inoculum 2). Prunus avium rootstock grew the strongest in the nursery, the weakest one was PHL-A. Mycorrhization
process, together with the application of inoculum 1 significantly influenced on the growth of rootstocks, but application of inoculum 2 did not significantly change results of growth compared to control group without mycorrhization. The most intensive growth of sweet cherry maiden trees was obtained on ‘Colt’ rootstock and the least on PHL-A. The best productivity of maiden trees was obtained on ‘Colt’ and PHL-A rootstocks and the worst on Prunus avium. Application of mycorrhization process positively influenced the diameter of maiden trees and their fresh mass.


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