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Vol. 18 No. 1 (2019)



Submitted: February 21, 2019
Published: 2019-02-21


Cultivation of sweet cherry trees is growing in popularity in Poland thus there is an increasing demand for good quality nursery material. The growth of maiden sweet cherry trees of ‘Vanda’ depending on three rootstocks was compared within three years of the nursery experiment. Also the nutritional status as well as photosynthetic activity of maiden trees after the use of four foliar preparations were in the scope of interest. On the basis of the size of the trunk diameter and weight of maiden sweet cherry tree fresh mass as well as on the basis of dry mass of leaves, the strongest vigor of growth was observed on Colt rootstock, contrary to the vigor on GiSeLa 5 rootstock, in which it was the weakest. Maidens produced on Colt rootstock formed more lateral shoots in comparison to other rootstocks. After foliar fertilization, maiden sweet cherry trees growing on Colt rootstock did not show better parameters of growth, except for Maxi Grow Excel preparation that caused better results of growth. The influence of preparations used on the content of macro and microelements was differentiated. A positive effect of all preparations was noted as far as gas exchange parameters were concerned, especially in the case of Maxi Grow Excel.


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