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Vol. 4 No. 1 (2005)



Submitted: July 22, 2021
Published: 2005-06-30


The assessment of black cherry seedlings root system was carried out at the Didactic-Experimental Establishment of the UWM in Olsztyn in September 2002. The seeds from which the examined seedlings were obtained had been sown into the ground on 2 October 2001. The following seeds were used for the experiment: fresh, sown into the ground immediately after obtaining them from fruit, partly dried seeds and seed sown a month later than in the preceding case as well as physiologically immature seeds and whole fresh fruit. The root systems of seedlings obtained from seeds stored for 1 year and
2 years in open and closed “Twist” type jars at room temperature and in a freezer were also assessed. The largest proportions of seedlings were obtained from seeds stored for 1 year and 2 years in a freezer. The lowest proportions of seedlings were obtained from seeds sown a month later and from whole fresh fruit. In this experiment the most favorable development of the root system was observed in case of seedlings from seeds stored for 2 years in an open jar. The time from picking to sowing of seeds was of little importance. The seedlings from partly dried seeds and later sowing were characterized by the
lowest mass of the root system.


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