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Tom 19 Nr 3 (2020)



Przesłane: 29 czerwca 2020
Opublikowane: 2020-06-29


To determine effects of intercropping broccoli with onion and their correspondence to different nitrogen concentrations on growth, yield and nutrient contents, field studies were conducted for two years. In intercropping plots, onion sets were planted between broccoli rows. Broccoli and onion plants were also grown as monocrops. Nitrogen was applied at three different rates (160, 200 and 240 kg ha–1) in both mono and intercrop plots of broccoli. The overall efficiency of intercropping was evaluated by employing land equivalent ratios (LERs). Cropping systems significantly did not affect chlorophyll reading value, yield and other parameters observed. However, nitrogen application rate had significant effect on these parameters. The highest values of these parameters were generally observed in 240 kg ha–1 nitrogen application. Macro and microelement content of broccoli leaves was affected neither by cropping systems nor by nitrogen fertilization except for N, Mn, Zn and NO3. Intercropping increased plant height but decreased the plant diameter of onion. There wasn’t significant decrease in plant weight of intercropped onion at 240 kg ha–1 nitrogen treatment when compared to monocropping. Broccoli intercropped with onion at 240 kg ha–1 nitrogen had the highest LER values, showing that intercropping practice could be more productive than monocropping especially in case of 240 kg ha–1 nitrogen application.


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