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Tom 15 Nr 5 (2016)



Przesłane: 30 października 2020
Opublikowane: 2016-10-31


The morphology of 279 accessions of Cyclamen sp. growing naturally in Turkey, namely C. alpinum (syn. C. trochopteranthum), C. graecum, C. hederifolium (syn. C. neapolitanum) and C. mirabile, was characterized. Plants with intact tubers were collected from locations in Antalya, Isparta, Aydın, Muğla, İzmir and Denizli, determined by GPS, where they grow naturally in spring and autumn. The morphology of the four Cyclamen species was characterized using one year old regenerated plants based on 27 morphological traits (13 flower, 11 leaf, 2 plant, 1 tuber). There were distinct differences among these accessions related to petal colour, pedicel length, leaf length and width, leaf shape, and tuber diameter. Even though principle component analysis confirmed the grouping of characters into species-specific clusters, a wider range of morphological data as well as molecular data are needed for more reliable conclusions to be drawn about the classification of these Cyclamen species.


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