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Tom 13 Nr 1 (2014)



Przesłane: 20 listopada 2020
Opublikowane: 2014-02-28


Micropropagation is a powerful tool for large-scale propagation of pathogenfree ornamental plants. Studies on micropropagation of ten weeks and lisianthus is relatively low, thus, here we present a reliable method for in vitro propagation of these two ornamental plants. The shoot tips explants from Eustoma grandiflorum and Matthiola incana were cultured on MS medium supplemented with concentrations of 0, 0.5, 1 and 2 mg·L of naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and kinetin (KIN). In Eustoma grandiflorum, multiple shoots containing roots can be obtained simultaneously on MS basal medium only supplemented with 0.5–1 mg·L KIN. Shoot tips media supplemented with 1 mg·L KIN without NAA resulted in the best shoot length (2.158 cm) and shoot number (2.68). Also, the most nodes (8.75) were obtained in medium containing 0.5 mg·L KIN without NAA. The highest root number (2.55) was seen in medium supplemented with 2 mg·L KIN + 0.5 mg·L NAA. Shoot tips grown in medium containing 2 mg·L NAA without KIN showed the most callus formation. The highest content of fresh weight, dry weight and chlorophyll content were calculated in plantlets grown on media containing 0.5 mg·L KIN without NAA, 0.5 mg·L KIN + 1 mg·L NAA and control, respectively. In Matthiola incana, four-week-old in vitro plants obtained from micro-cuttings showed successful shooting and rooting. MS medium supplemented with 2 mg·L KIN without NAA resulted in the best shoot length (1.166 cm) and largest number of node (4.64). When the shoot tips were inoculated in the medium containing 2 mg·L NAA without KIN
and medium containing the combination of 1 mg·L NAA + 2 mg·L KIN, the best result was observed for root number (1.85) and root length (5.2 cm).


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