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Tom 13 Nr 2 (2014)



Przesłane: 23 listopada 2020
Opublikowane: 2014-04-30


In order to find a more efficient source of somaclones we performed a regeneration of adventitious shoots from two explant types, leaves and internodes, in eight
chrysanthemum cultivars representing three groups consisted of original cultivars and their radiomutants. After the in vitro regeneration and growth, plants were transferred to the glasshouse and the phenotypes at anthesis were observed. Three new, attractive variants with changed inflorescence colours were obtained from two cultivars (‘Albugo’ and ‘Alchimist Tubular’) from leaf explants. The frequency of somaclones was 1.1% for ‘Albugo’ and 5.4% for ‘Alchimist Tubular’. The analysis of pigment content in ligulate florets revealed the presence of carotenoids in somaclones, while in control plants they were lacking. The genetic distinctiveness of new somaclones was corroborated with the estimation of the genetic similarity coefficients based on RAPD-PCR technique. Somaclones retained their phenotypes during subsequent vegetative propagations.


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