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Tom 10 Nr 4 (2011)



Przesłane: 14 stycznia 2021
Opublikowane: 2011-12-31


Phoma strasseri is one of the major pathogen of peppermint (Mentha piperita). An important criterion in the classification of Phoma spp. is conidiogenesis, which has
never been studied in P. strasseri before. The analysis using a FEI Tecnai Spirit G2 electron microscope revealed enteroblastic phialidic ontogeny as a type of conidiogenesis present in this species. Conidia are formed on small conidiogenous cells, called phialides. The tip of the conidiogenous cell is surrounded by a characteristic collarette. The surface of the conidium wall is covered with a mucilaginous sheath, which may enable conidia to attach to the plant surface.


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