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Tom 9 Nr 4 (2010)



Przesłane: 27 stycznia 2021
Opublikowane: 2010-12-31


Garden orache (Atriplex hortensis L.) belongs to Chenopodiaceae family. Usable parts of this species are the young stems and leaves characterized by a high content of protein. The aim of the study was the estimation of the effect of sowing date (2nd and 3rd 10-days’ period of April, and 1st 10-days’ period of May) on the biological value of garden orache leaves. The experiment was conducted in 2008–2009. Chemical analyses of raw plant material (leaves of garden orache) included determination of the content of dry matter, total sugars, titratable acidity, total ash, crude fibre, total protein, nitrates, L-ascorbic acid, chlorophylls, carotenoids, total polyphenols and antioxidant activity. It was proved that sowing date had a significant effect on the content of dry matter, total ash, total protein, total sugars, L-ascorbic acid and antioxidant activity. On the base of obtained results it was proved that plants of garden orache grown at the latest date of sowing (1st 10-days’ period of May) were characterized by the highest biological value.


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