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Tom 7 Nr 3 (2008)



Przesłane: 19 lutego 2021
Opublikowane: 2008-09-30


The experiment with ‘Boro F1’ red beet was aimed at determining the effect of the kind of nitrogen fertilizer (RSM, ENTEC 26) and the manner of application (broadcasting/liquid spreading, with / without foliar nutrition) on the content of protein nitrogen in roots, and ammonium and nitrate nitrogen content in leaves and roots of red beet. The kind of applied fertilizer did not have any influence on the size of examined parameters. In 2005 foliar nutrition with nitrogen caused a decline in nitrate concentrations in leaves and roots of the plants in comparison with unnourished objects; however, such correlation was not corroborated in the following years of the cultivation. Quantities of all examined parameters were diversified depending on the cultivation year.


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