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Tom 18 Nr 2 (2019)



Przesłane: 12 kwietnia 2019
Opublikowane: 2019-04-12


One of the ways to reduce the water consumption by plants while maintaining their proper quality is to use substances that limit excessive transpiration. Three preparations at following concentrations: Moisturin (10%), Root-Zone (4.5%) and Vapor Gard (1%), were used in the experiment. Moisturin and Vapor Gard were applied in the form of a single spray, and Root-Zone as a single irrigation in mid July.The aim of the research was to assess the effect of several anti-transpirants on some biometric features of the ‘Tardiva’ panicled hydrangea depending on the frequency of irrigation. The following parameters were measured: area, perimeter, width and length of leaf blade, length and width of inflorescences, and the diameter of shoots. Treatment of H. paniculata cv. ‘Tardiva’ with Root-Zone and Moisturin anti-transpirants with a single irrigation every other day allows to reduce the water consumption and obtain shrubs of a quality comparable with plants irrigated twice a day. The use of Moisturin with a twice daily irrigation positively affected the length and width of inflorescences.


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