Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin

Influence of sowing date and row spacing on the yielding of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] cultivated for grain


Katedra Technologii Produkcji Roślinnej i Towaroznawstwa Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie, ul. Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin


Katedra Technologii Produkcji Roślinnej i Towaroznawstwa Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie, ul. Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin


Field experiments were carried out in 2007–2009 at the Felin Experimental Farm, belonging to the University of Life Sciences in Lublin. Their aim was to evaluate the grain yield and characteristics of the structure of the grain yield of sorghum (variety Rona 1), and to determine its response to the sowing date – Experiment I (3rd 10 days’ period of April and 2nd 10-days’ period of May) and different row spacing – Experiment II (25 cm, 50 cm and 75 cm). The grain yield of sorghum sown in the 2nd 10-days’ period of May, compared with sowing in 3rd 10-days’ period of April was significantly higher, due to an increasing number of shoots and panicles as well as the number and weight of grains per panicle. Reducing row spacing from 75 cm to 50 cm and 25 cm resulted in a significant reduction in the grain yield, due to the decrease in 1000-grain weight and number and weight of grain per panicle. Increasing row spacing from 25 cm to 75 cm resulted in a gradual reduction in the number of shoots and productive panicles per unit area. During the three years, the highest grain yield was obtained in 2008, which compared to the long-term mean value was characterized by a deficiency of rainfalls and a higher air temperature in June and August, and distinct excess of rainfalls and a slightly lower temperature in May and September.


sorghum, grain yield, sowing date, row spacing

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Katedra Technologii Produkcji Roślinnej i Towaroznawstwa Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie, ul. Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin
Katedra Technologii Produkcji Roślinnej i Towaroznawstwa Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie, ul. Akademicka 15, 20-950 Lublin


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