Joanna Majkowska-Gadomska

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


A number of research studies investigating melon production technologies in various macroregions of Poland characterized by different climate conditions have been initiated to investigate the effect of perforated PE film and non-woven PP fabric covers as well as soil mulching with organic and mineral material on the melon growing process. A two-factorial field experiment was conducted in the years 2004–2008, in the Garden of the Research and Experimental Station of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The first experimental factor were four Polish melon cultivars, Malaga F1, Melba, Oliwin and Seledyn F1, recommended for open ground and forced cultivation. The second factor were types of soil cover and plant cover. Apart from the control treatment (without protective cover), the effect of the following types of cover on the growth rate and yield of melon plants was determined in a five-year cycle: perforated PE film with 100 holes per m2, non-woven PP fabric with surface density of 17 g·m-2, black PE film for soil mulching; black PE film for soil mulching + perforated PE film with 100 holes per m2, black PE film for soil mulching + non-woven PP fabric. An analysis of the chemical composition of melon fruit showed that the concentrations of dry matter, L-ascorbic acid and total carbohydrates were higher in the edible parts of heterotic cultivars. The type of plant cover and soil cover had a significant effect on the dry matter content of the edible parts of melon, but it caused no considerable changes in the levels of the remaining organic compounds. In the majority of cases, the nitrate content of melon fruit was below the allowable standards. The lowest quantities of nitrates were accumulated by melon fruit of cv. Oliwin in the control treatment.


cultivar, PE film, non-woven PP fabric, dry matter, organic compounds, nitrates

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Joanna Majkowska-Gadomska 
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn



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