The possibilieties of limiting some pathogenes of hazel by antagonistic bacteria

Ewa Król

Agricultural Academy in Lublin

Zofia Machowicz-Stefaniak

Agricultural Academy in Lublin

Ewa Zalewska

Agricultural Academy in Lublin


Amangst 138 epiphytic bacterial isolates originating from hazel leaves 12 isolates limited the growth of B. cinerea, 33 limited the growth of C. corylicola, 31 inhibited the growth of G. coryli and 36 isolates showed antagonistic activity against Phomopsis sp. in-vitro. It was found that 9 isolates limited the growth of all the pathogenes tested and 7 isolates inhibited the growth of at least 3 out of them. The abilities of bacterial isolates tested to limit of the pathgenes growth were higher after 4 days of the biotic influence than after 8 days. Isolates of bacteria with the highest inhibitory activity against the above
– mentioned pathogenes were identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus sp. and Enterobacter, Citobacter, Klebsiella or Erwinia cypripedii. 


hazel, antagonistic bacteria, Botrytis cinerea, Cytospora corylicola, Gloeosporium coryli, Phomopsis sp.

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Ewa Król 
Agricultural Academy in Lublin
Zofia Machowicz-Stefaniak 
Agricultural Academy in Lublin
Ewa Zalewska 
Agricultural Academy in Lublin



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