Włodzimierz Krzesiński

University of Life Sciences in Poznań

Monika Gąsecka

University of Life Sciences in Poznań

Jerzy Stachowiak

University of Life Sciences in Poznań

Adam Żurawicz

University of Life Sciences in Poznań

Mikołaj Knaflewski

University of Life Sciences in Poznań

Piotr Goliński

University of Life Sciences in Poznań


Asparagus plants cv. “Epos” were planted in the aeroponic system with recirculation in two cycles. The effect of asparagus plant age and crown size on fern growth were studied. The results show that the age of asparagus plants affected the number of ferns – the number of assimilation shoots increased with age – while the weight of asparagus crowns had an effect on the number and total weight of shoots. An increase in crown weight by about 1000 g caused an increase in the number of shoots by about 6, while the weight of one shoot increased by approx. 144 g. The age of aasparagus plants was also a significant factor for dry weight, % Brix and total carbohydrate contents in roots before the assimilation season as well as glucose, fructose, sucrose, GFS and total carbohydrate contents in roots after the assimilation season.

Słowa kluczowe:

asparagus, ferns, shoots, crown size, sugars content

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Włodzimierz Krzesiński 
University of Life Sciences in Poznań
Monika Gąsecka 
University of Life Sciences in Poznań
Jerzy Stachowiak 
University of Life Sciences in Poznań
Adam Żurawicz 
University of Life Sciences in Poznań
Mikołaj Knaflewski 
University of Life Sciences in Poznań
Piotr Goliński 
University of Life Sciences in Poznań


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