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Vol. 22 No. 1 (2012)


Ocimum basilicum L. – a valuable spice, medicinal and oleiferous plant. A review

Submitted: July 26, 2019
Published: 2012-06-04


Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), a valuable seasoning, medicinal and oleiferous plant, probably comes from the tropical regions of Asia. At present it is grown in the warm regions of the moderate climatic zone and in sub- and intertropical countries. In Europe basil cultivation is mainly concentrated in the Mediterranean countries because of the plant’s high requirements as to light and heat. The characteristic feature of this species is high morphological-developmental variability (earliness, growth exuberance, plant habit, sprout branching manner, size, shape and color of leaves and flowers), as well as that concerning chemical composition. More than 150 species are described within this genus and most of the divisions are based on the morphology of hues and leaves. The herbal raw material in basil is the herb (Basilici herba), containing essential oil (0.5–2.5%), flavonoids, tanning agents, phenolic and saponines, as well as antocyanins and mineral salts. The basil herb and volatile oil are explicitly biologically active, mainly within the alimentary and nervous system. The immuno-modulating and antioxidant properties of basil herb extracts were also proven. The predominant components of basil essential oil are: linalool, methyl chavicol, eugenol, 1,8-cyneol, garanial, neral, as well as methyl cinnammonate, and their share remains under distinct influence of genetic, ontogenetic and environmental factors. 


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