Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
A field experiment to assess the use of foliar fertilizers in the integrated crop production of thyme, was carried out in 2012-2013. Foliar fertilization with multicomponent preparations matched to the soil abundance according to the principles of integrated production was used twice: 1) Plonvit Kali (3 kg∙ha-1); 2) Bormax (1 l∙ha-1); 3) Alkalin K+Si (2 l∙ha-1); 4) Kendal (1.5 l∙ha-1); 5) Fertileader Vital 954 (2.5 l ha-1). The applied preparations positively influenced the growth of plants and resulted in the increase of the raw material yield - the highest was obtained under the influence of Fertileader V. Under the influence of fertilizers, the content of essential oil in the raw material decreased, however due to higher yields, the oil yield per unit area was greater
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