Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 70 No. 3 (2015)


Chemical composition of potato tubers manured with undersown catch crops in the integrated and organic production system

Submitted: May 9, 2019
Published: 2015-09-25


The paper presents results of a study conducted in 2008–2011 to determine the effect of the biomass of undersown catch crop which were incorporated in autumn or left on the soil surface as mulch for spring incorporation, on the quality of edible potato grown in integrated and organic production systems. Two experimental factors were examined in the study: 1. manuring with undersown catch crops: control (no undersown catch crop), farmyard manure, white melilot, white melilot + westerwolds ryegrass, westerwolds ryegrass, white melilot – mulch, white melilot + westerwolds ryegrass – mulch, westerwolds ryegrass – mulch; 2. production system: integrated and organic. Edible potato was cultivated after the undersown catch crops. The content of the following was determined in potato tubers: dry matter, starch, vitamin C, reducing sugars and total sugars. Dry matter, starch and vitamin C contents were higher but reducing sugars and total sugars were lower in the tubers of potato following incorporated undersown catch crops. Tubers of potato grown in the integrated potato system contained more dry matter, starch and vitamin C but a smaller amount of reducing sugars and total sugars compared with organic potatoes. The best chemical composition was determined in tubers of potato following white melilot + westerwolds ryegrass, either autumn- or spring-incorporated, in the integrated production system.


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