Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 65 No. 4 (2010)


Variability of economic characteristics of Ipomoea Batatas L. (Lam.) in the conditions of cultivation under cover

Submitted: June 16, 2019
Published: 2011-02-01


The study was based on a field experiment, conducted in the 2007–2009 in the south-eastern part of Poland. The experiment was randomized sub-block in three replications. The field experiment used cultivation technologies: a) traditional technology – as an object of control, b) the technology with the use of covers of polyethylene, c) technology with the use of non-woven polypropylene, as a cover. The second-order factor were three cultivars of sweet potato that were physiologically differentiated. The third factor was planting density, every 30, 40 and 50 cm in a row. Cultivation of sweet potato under cover contributed to the increase in the total yield of tubers, as compared with traditional technology, with a greater effect in the form of yield increases for general and commercial tubers obtained in the case of polyethylene, perforated foil. The most favorable response, in terms of a higher total and marketable yield of tubers, cultivation under cover was shown by a cultivar of Carmen Rubin. The highest total yield of tubers of the cultivar White Triumph and Goldstar was observed at a density of planting, at 30 cm, while the cultivar Carmen Rubin - every 50 cm in a row.


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