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Vol. 18 No. 5 (2019)


Influence of rootstock and grafting method on the grafts success and growth of Cedrus deodara (Roxb. ex Lamb.) ‘Karl Fuchs’ Plants

Submitted: October 28, 2019
Published: 2019-10-28


Experimental studies were conducted in 2015–2017 in the Department of Dendrology, Pomology and Nursery of Poznan University of Life Sciences. The aim of the research was to study the usefulness of three rootstocks: Larix decidua, Pinus armandii, Cedrus deodara and two grafting methods: side grafting and split grafting for propagation purposes of Cedrus deodara ‘Karl Fuchs’. In addition, it was evaluated how the rootstock and the age of cultivar shoots influenced the level of chloroplast pigments in the needles. A higher percentage of grafts success was obtained on Pinus armandii and Cedrus deodara using the side grafting method. Grafted scions of ‘Karl Fuchs’ produced the greatest number of lateral buds and the longest lateral increments of growth on Cedrus deodara root stock. Side grafting significantly improved the percentage of plants that restarted their growth in the second year of cultivation. The largest number of buds on two-year-old shoots were counted on plants grafted on Cedrus deodara using split grafting method. The rootstocks used in this experiment had a slight effect on the content of chloroplast pigments in the needles. Plants grafted on Pinus armandii had the highest level of chlorophyll B, and those grafted on Larix decidua – chlorophyll A/B ratio. The content of chloroplast pigments in the needles depended on the age of shoots. The highest level of chlorophyll A, chlorophyll B and carotenoids was observed when needles were collected from the last year’s growth.


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