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Vol. 19 No. 1 (2020)



Submitted: February 5, 2020
Published: 2020-02-21


In this study, the effects of salicylic acid to antioxidative activity and photosynthetic characteristics in waterlogging stress of two peony cultivars (‘Fengdanbai’ and ‘Mingxing’) were investigated. 4-year-old peony grown in different levels of waterlogging stress and then different concentration prepared SA (0.0, 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mmol L–1) sprayed on fresh leaves of peony. The antioxidative enzymes activities include superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT), chlorophyll content, relative conductivity and MDA content were measured in leaves about different waterlogging treatment, the photosynthetic characteristics were also measured using photosynthetic measurement system. The results showed that waterlogging stress decreased the chlorophyll content in all peony cultivars leaves, but with SA treatment can inhibit the decrease of chlorophyll content. Relative conductivity increased as the extension of waterlogging time in two cultivars. SA treatment could effectively inhibit the increase of relative conductivity, and 0.5 mmol L–1 of SA was the most suitable concentration. SOD, POD, CAT activity increased first and then decreased in different waterlogging condition, SA significantly increased the activity of various enzymes. MDA content was increase as the expansion of waterlogging time in two cultivars. SA inhibits the increase of MDA content. Of all concentration of SA, 0.5 mmol L–1 was the best concentration to inhibit the waterlogging stress. For the photosynthetic characteristics, the net assimilation rate (Pn), stomatal conductance (Gs), transpiration rate (Tr) and intercellular CO2 (Ci) were decreased under different waterlogging condition. SA treatment can increase Pn, Gs, Tr and Ci of peony.


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