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Vol. 22 No. 2 (2023)


Biochemical composition and antioxidant activity of Moroccan plum cultivars

Submitted: August 20, 2020
Published: 2023-04-28


Biochemical composition and antioxidant activity were analyzed for 15 plum cultivars grown in different climatic regions of Morocco where is considered as an important tree crops. Fruits were analyzed by determining 21 parameters. Total polyphenols, flavonoids, anthocyanin, antioxidant activity, total soluble solids, vitamin C, titratable acidity, ash, moisture, dry matter, juice pH, total sugars, crude fiber, crude proteins, respectively with an average of 6.8 mg GAE/g, 1.24 mg CE/g, 136.54 mg/100 g, 58.06%, 7.91%, 146.19 mg/kg, 1.37%, 1.93%, 83.33%, 16.66%, 2.97, 62.67 mg/g, 0,44% and 0.66% have varied between cultivars.  For the mean values of chemical elements (mg/100 g) were 229.77 for potassium, 18.94 for magnesium, 1.31 for iron, 1.13 for zinc, 1.11 for copper, 1.09 for nickel and 0.50 for manganese. Besides, the results showed that plum cultivars are characterized by an important nutritional content. The cultivars Lmozari and Tabarkakacht exhibited respectively the highest total polyphenols (9.39 mg/g) and antioxidant activity (70.65%) comparing with others ones. In this study regarding the nutritional content of plum cultivars will help to improve plum knowledge and select the desired gene pool for multiplication, and which may provide towards enhancing health to the consumer.


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