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Vol. 16 No. 6 (2017)



Submitted: October 22, 2020
Published: 2017-12-31


The influence of chelated iron (0, 250 and 500 mg·L–1 as Fe-EDDHA 6%) and silicon (0, 2, 4 mmol·L–1 as K2SiO3) on the yield and quality of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.), Strain B cultivar, were investigated under semi-arid conditions in Ras Sudr region, Egypt, in years 2013–2014. A significant influence of chelated
iron and silicon applications on tomato growth, yield and quality were observed. The highest plant growth, leaf mineral contents (N, P and K), vitamin C and Ca contents in fruit, fruit firmness, early and total yield were observed in plants which treated with 500 mg·L–1 chelated iron and 2 and 4 mmol·L–1 silicon.
Meanwhile, these treatments decreased the proline content of leaves and T.S.S content of fruit.


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