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Vol. 14 No. 2 (2015)



Submitted: November 5, 2020
Published: 2015-04-30


Pomegranate is one of the most important ancient fruit in Turkey where planting of pomegranate has increased rapidly in recent years. This study described desirable pomological and chemical traits of seventeen pomegranate genotypes selected from Narlidere district (Bitlis) in between 2010–2011 years. We found considerable variation on fruit weight, aril weight, fruit length and fruit width that important for pomegranate breeding ranged from 99.77 (N-15) to 515.97 g (N-05), 14.16 (N-01) to 41.92 g (N-10), 51.03 (N-15) to 90.99 mm (N-05) and 58.99 (N-03) to 103.11 mm (N-05) among genotypes, respectively. Chemical parameters are also considerable varied among genotypes and Soluble solid content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), pH and juice yield of genotypes varied between 5.96 (N-02) to 9.13% (N-03), 0.12 (N-12) to 0.91% (N-14), 2.51 (N-14) to 4.52 (N-10) and 48.58 (N-06) to72.07% (N-01), respectively. Many genotypes were found to be promising both fresh consumption and processing. Promising genotypes indicate it’s importance as genetic resources and they have potential for future use in pomegranate
breeding activities.


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