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Vol. 14 No. 2 (2015)



Submitted: November 5, 2020
Published: 2015-04-30


Laser stimulation is a non-expensive and environmentally safe way of the improving of seeds quality. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of He-Ne laser irradiation on the germination parameters of scorzonera seeds. Seeds were characterized with different quality expressed by germination capacity. Experimental material consisted of 4 lots of scorzonera seeds having initial germination capacity between 50.8 and 93.0%. Seeds were treated with laser He-Ne light of surface power density of 3 mW·cm-2 and the time of exposition of 0 (control), 1, 5, 10 and 30 minutes. After pre-sowing stimulation of seeds the following parameters were estimated: germination energy, germination capacity, mean germination time, speed of germination, hypocotyl length, length of radicle,
fresh and dry weight of seedling, field emergence, mean emergence time and speed of emergence. Pre-sowing laser treatment resulted in increasing of the several parameters such as germination energy, germination capacity, speed of germination, hypocotyl and radicle length, as well as fresh and dry weight of seedlings. Laser light stimulation was the most effective in the case of low quality seeds (initial germination capacity of 50.8%). Irradiation of the seeds belonging to this group also resulted in the increase of the seedling emergence and the speed of emergence.


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