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Vol. 18 No. 1 (2019)



Submitted: February 22, 2019
Published: 2019-02-22


Garden savory (Satureja hortensis L.) is an aromatic spice plant commonly used in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Biological value of this plant is influenced by biotic and abiotic conditions, which include fertilization and date of harvesting. The research was aimed at determining the effect of differentiated nitrogen fertilization (nitrogen doses 0, 4, 8, 12, 16 g·m–2) and different harvesting time (initial flowering and full flowering phase) on yield of fresh plant weight, yield of essential oils, dry matter, protein,  L-ascorbic acid contents in the raw material of garden savory of Saturn cv. The highest yield of fresh mass and essential oil was recorded in the herb harvested in the initial flowering phase after applying the highest doses of nitrogen. The obtained results allow to conclude that the greatest influence on the content of  L-ascorbic acid in the herb had a dose of 4 g N∙m–2 in both examined dates. The highest amount of protein and dry matter was found in savory raw material after applying the highest dose of nitrogen in the full flowering phase. 


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