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Vol. 5 No. 2 (2006)



Submitted: July 21, 2021
Published: 31.12.2006


On the basis of the experimental data of COBORU the time and spatial distribution of the dates of sowing, harvesting and of the cucumber (conserve varieties) growth stages in western Poland was characterized. The length of the conserve cucumber growth periods varied more in the years 1965–2004, and it was on average seven times as large as the length of agrotechnical and phenological periods and the largest was the period from fruit setting to the beginning of harvesting (v = 57%), and the smallest was attributed to the date of sowing (v = 3%). During 1965–2004, a linear trend was proved and it was found to be negative for almost all phenological dates, for harvesting and for the length of conserve cucumber growth periods, except for the date of sowing and the period from the end of emergence to the beginning of fruit setting. On the basis of the date of sowing, the former phenological dates and the time trend, the dates of phenological stages, harvesting and the length of cucumber vegetation periods can be separately forecast in the area of western Poland with the accuracy of 92.3 to 99.3%. The length of the period from sowing to the end of conserve cucumber harvesting in western Poland (113 days) was longer by 46 days than that of the period from sowing to the beginning of harvesting and at the same time it was slightly less differentiated spatially.


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