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Vol. 4 No. 2 (2005)



Submitted: August 24, 2021
Published: 31.12.2005


Plants of honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium L.) from commercial nursery, showing stunted growth and severe leaf and flower malformation were found to be naturally infected with Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). The virus was identified on the basis of its host range and in vitro and serological properties. It was mechanically transmitted onto therteen herbaceous test plants and induced local or local and systemic symptoms. The isolated virus had a TIP of 65–70°C, a LIV of 4–5 h and DEP of 10-4–10-5. It reacted positively in DAS-ELISA with CMV-ToRS (II) commercial antibodies but not with antibodies
against CMV-DTL (I). Rabbit antiserum was produced, and it showed the titre at least 128 000 in F(ab’)2-ELISA with homologous isolate, as well as with isolate CMV-M belonging to serogroup DTL.


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