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Vol. 21 No. 6 (2022)


Effect of biologically active TotalHumus® and Bacterbase on the growth ex vitro of strawberry, blueberry and hip rose microcuttings

Submitted: October 7, 2021
Published: 2022-12-30


One of the key steps in plant micropropagation is rooting and acclimatization of microcuttings. The aim of the study was to investigate the suitability of commercial biopreparations, TotalHumus® and Bacterbase, to stimulate the growth of young fruit plants derived from in vitro propagation. TotalHumus® is made from brown coal. Bacterbase is a bacterial preparation containing Bacillus velezensis and Bacillus amyloliqefaciens (Skierniewickie Microorganisms) with antifungal properties that stimulates the growth and yielding of plants. Unrooted microshoots of strawberry ‘Grandarosaʼ and highbush blueberry ‘Chandlerʼ, and rooted in vitro microcuttings of hip rose ‘Konstancinʼ were planted in a peat substrate. Three weeks after planting ex vitro, the plants were treated with the biopreparations. Four times, at two-week intervals, the plants were drenched and simultaneously sprayed with mineral fertilizer 0.2% Hydrovit (control), 0.04% TotalHumus® and 0.03% Bacterbase, which were used separately or in combinations. In hip rose and strawberry, compared to the control, similar or better growth parameters of shoots and roots were observed after the use of TotalHumus® and/or Bacterbase. The plants were characterized by the highest fresh weight, longer shoots/runners and more shoots than in the control (mineral fertilization). In strawberry, root parameters were significantly improved by TotalHumus®, and in rose by Bacterbase. The use of both TotalHumus® and Bacterbase separately or in combination significantly reduced the occurrence of symptoms of rose leaf infection with powdery mildew. The biopreparations had no effect on highbush blueberry.


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