Nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) are crucial macronutrient elements for physiological and biochemical processes in tomato plants. However, synergistic effects of lowering N and increasing S application on tomato yield and quality have not been documented. The effect of four N/S balances: 50.00, 9.20, 4.66 and 2.92, prepared by varying the concentration of N and S, were evaluated in tomatoes grown in soilless medium (peat + perlite). The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with three replicates. The results of the study showed that the optimal N/S balance in the nutrient solution differed depending on the properties investigated. The N/S balance of 9.20 resulted in the highest overall fruit yield, average fruit weight, fruit size and diameter. Moreover, the N/S balances required in the nutrient solution for the highest lycopene content (7.69 mg 100 g−1 fresh weight) and vitamin C content (20.63 mg 100 g−1 fresh weight) in tomato fruits were 50.00 and 9.20, respectively. It was found that the N/S balance above or below 9.20 had negative effects on yield and yield components as well as on some biophysical quality characteristics of the fruit. However, the N/S balance had no influence on the number of fruits, the firmness and shape index and the pH value of the fruits. Therefore, lowering N and increasing S application to the balance of 9.20 would have great potential to enhance the synergistic effect on the productivity and quality of tomato cultivation.
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