The study was carried out to determine fruit quality characteristics in 'Uzun' pistachio cultivar grafted on terebinth rootstock (P. terebinthus L.) in Suşehri under Central Kelkit Basin (Turkey) ecological conditions in 2017. In the study, it was determined that the ratio of the split fruit was 80%; the blank fruit ratio was 8%; nut weight was 0.93 g; kernel weight was 0.50 g and kernel ratio was 53.8%. As a result of analyses, it was assessed that the fruit consists of 19.39% protein, 3.74% moisture, 2.38% ash, 53.30% fat, 7182.45 mg kg–1 potassium, 4046.79 mg kg–1 phosphorus, 1592.96 mg kg–1 calcium, 974.35 mg kg–1 magnesium, 16.14 mg kg–1 iron, 4.42 mg kg–1 manganese, 11.38 mg kg–1 copper and 27.05 mg kg–1 zinc. It was determined that the total phenolic content was 1989.8 mg GAE kg–1 dw, the total flavonoid content was 363.0 mg QE kg–1 dw; DPPH was 30.9 mmol TE kg–1 dw; FRAP was 36.2 mmol TE kg–1 dw.
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