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Tom 29 Nr 2 (2011)


Effect of vitamin C with rutin and herbal mixture supplements on chosen hematological and biochemical blood parameters and production results of slaughter turkeys

Przesłane: marca 18, 2021
Opublikowane: 2011-06-30


The present research objective was to determine the influence of supplemental vitamin C with rutin in drinking water or herbal mixture additive to a diet of chosen hematological and biochemical blood parameters of slaughter turkeys. The studies involved 120 male turkeys Big-6 toms. From the 3rd week of age, the birds received a dietary addition of vitamin C with rutin to drinking water (group II) and a 1% herbal mixture to feed (group III). Blood was collected from the brachial vein twice and the results were averaged. The blood samples were examined for chosen hematological and biochemical indices in plasma. Suplementary vitamin C with rutin and herb mix in turkeys diet improved the final weight gains and reduced the feed intake/kg weight gain. Addition of herbal mixture to feed decreased the number of leucocytes but neutrophiles number in turkey’s blood from II group was lower than control (p < 0.05). Vitamin C with rutin decreased the uric acid level (2.55 mg · dl-1) and phosphorus (1.95 mg · dl-1) in comparison with control group (respectively, 3.7 mg · dl-1 2.51 mg · dl-1), while herbal mixture supplement increased the content of cholesterol (115.33 mg · dl-1), phosphorus (3.44 mg · dl-1), and TIBC (total iron-binding-capacity) (97.2 mg · dl-1), and declined blood triglyceride (87.66 mg · dl-1), (respectively, 96.6 mg · dl-1, 2.51 mg · dl-1, 61.0 μg · dl-1, 124.5 mg · dl-1), concentration in turkeys.


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