Agronomy Science, przyrodniczy lublin, czasopisma up, czasopisma uniwersytet przyrodniczy lublin
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Vol. 67 No. 3 (2012)


The effect of new dwarfing gene on yield components of triticale semidwarf cultivars

Submitted: May 11, 2019
Published: 2012-09-04


Lodging is the main reason for triticale yield decrease. The most effective way of this limiting this phenomenon is breeding and cultivation of short-straw cultivars with introduced dwarfing genes. The aim of the study was estimation of selected yield components of triticale hybrids containing in their genome Dw1 gene derived from rye, and new dwarfing gene Tdw which appeared spontaneously within [(Jana × Tempo) × Jana] × Aegilops juvenalis hybrid plants population. In the present paper the usefulness of this new Tdw gene for breeding triticale cultivars with shorten straw was shown.


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