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Vol. 14 No. 4 (2015)



Submitted: November 12, 2020
Published: 2015-08-31


Sweet pepper cultivars of Polish breeding have a high biological potential predisposing them to cultivation in field conditions of moderate climatic zone. The aim of
investigations was the description of the dependence between morphological features of pepper fruits and its nutritional value. The experiment was performed in 2008, 2009 and 2011 at the University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland, on eleven Capsicum annuum L. cultivars of Polish origin (‘Barbórka’, ‘Calipso’, ‘Caryca’ F1, ‘Etiuda’, ‘Gloria’, ‘Iga’, ‘Lena’, ‘Mercedes’, ‘Mira’, ‘Oliwia’, ‘Ożarowska’). Fruits shape was diversified, from spherical (‘Iga’) to the slim conical (‘Mercedes’, ‘Mira’). The fruits of greatest weight was typical for ‘Barbórka’, ‘Caryca’ F1, ‘Etiuda’, ‘Gloria’ and ‘Ożarowska’. Thick pericarp and high share of pericarp in weight of fruit were characteristic for all investigated genotypes, and differences with regard to this parameters were slight. ‘Barbórka’, ‘Gloria’, and ‘Ożarowska’ contained higher than average dry weight, soluble sugars and carotenoids contents for all tested cultivars. The relationships between fruit morphology parameters and chosen chemical parameters was shown on a base of regression analyses. Present results made possible to select the most valuable sweet pepper cultivars with respect
to nutritional value and fruit morphology. This study also enables to select genotypes, destined for field cultivation in Polish climatic conditions, for different ways of
utilization. The results can also be used in future breeding programs.


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