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Vol. 13 No. 5 (2014)



Submitted: November 30, 2020
Published: 2014-10-31


A trumpet creeper (Campsis radicans) is an attractive vine propagated vegetatively through cuttings. So far, there is very little available data on propagation of this beautiful species in tissue culture. There was a research conducted in order to estimate the possibility to obtain rooted Campsis radicans plants that had been cultivated in tissue culture. The plant material were shoots obtained by multiplication on Murashige and Skoog [1962] (MS) medium which were put in fresh media supplemented with auxins: IAA (indoleacetic acid), IBA (indolebutyric acid) or NAA (naphthaleneacetic acid). The shoots were rooted in vitro or transplanted into soil (peat + perlite 1 : 1 w/v). It was noted that Campsis radicans is a very difficult plant to root in tissue culture. No rooting was obtained in vitro. Use of a stimulating passage with a hormone free medium or the ones containing IAA or IBA in concentrations of 2.5–5 mg·dm-3 and rooting shoots directly in soil allowed to obtain 100% of well rooted plants.


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