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Vol. 11 No. 5 (2012)



Submitted: December 30, 2020
Published: 2012-10-31


Rhodiola rosea is a valuable, perennial plant with important pharmaceutical activity. Its raw material – rhizomes and roots are collected from nature, however due to the intensive collecting, natural populations are highly threatened. Therefore, this is important to understanding the biology and variability of roseroot and introduction of this species to the culture is very important. The objective of this study was to acquaint the biology and morphology of Rhodiola rosea L. plants during seven following years of cultivation in south-eastern part of Poland. Results of our experiment indicate that the rate of growth and development of roseroot in a south-eastern Poland did not differ from that observed in other parts of Europe, but was faster than observed wild growth in the Altai Mountains.
The life cycle of plants from bud to fruit production takes place within one growing season. Starting from the second year of vegetation throughout next following vegetation periods plants produced shoots of second or from the third vegetation period – of third generation, so the period of accumulation of biologically active substances extended to five months, causing a rapid increase in weight of rhizomes. Weight and dimensions of the aerial and under ground parts of plants have changed in subsequent years of vegetation. In the first year of cultivation plants produced one to three stems and under ground parts with average air dry matter of 2.38 g plant-1. In the next following vegetation periods weight of rhizomes and roots systematically increased, reaching the highest value from fourth to sixth year of vegetation.


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