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Tom 23 Nr 1 (2024)


The effects of high temperature and low humidity on crop water stress index of seed pumpkin plants (Cucurbita pepo L.) in semi-arid climate conditions

Przesłane: 20 października 2023
Opublikowane: 2024-02-29


This study aimed to evaluate the effects of high temperature and low humidity on the crop water stress index (CWSI) of seed pumpkin plants grown under semi-arid climate conditions to determine the optimum irrigation time. This research unveils the critical impact of high temperature and low humidity on seed pumpkin growth, emphasizing the vital role of the CWSI in optimizing irrigation strategies and seed yield. Moreover, the relationship between CWSI, physiological parameters, and seed yield of the pumpkin was investigated. The mean CWSI values in the I70 (0.40) and I35 (0.56) treatments were 42% and 100% higher, respectively than those in the full irrigation (I100) treatment (0.28). While the I70 treatment showed manageable water stress with minimal impact, the I35 treatment experienced severe stress, significantly reducing crop growth and yield. The mean seed yield (SY) in the I70 treatment increased to 1245.2 kg ha–1 compared to I35 (903.3 kg ha–1) but remained lower than I100 (1339.3 kg ha–1). The CWSI had negative correlations (p ≤ 0.01) with seed yield, chlorophyll content, and leaf area index, while it had positive correlations with water use efficiency and irrigation water use efficiency (p ≤ 0.01). This study showed that pumpkins could be grown successfully at 30% water deficit conditions, and a water deficit higher than 30% may cause a significant seed yield loss in semi-arid climate conditions. In addition, the results highlight the importance of optimal irrigation and CWSI monitoring for informed irrigation decisions and sustainable agricultural practices. Therefore, moderate water deficit (I70) can be adopted in pumpkin cultivation as an alternative to full irrigation.


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