Jerzy Hetman

Agricultural University in Lublin

Halina Laskowska

Agricultural University in Lublin

Wojciech Durlak

Agricultural University in Lublin


The effect of term of planting and size of bulbs on the yield of Allium moly bulbs was examined. Bulbs of circumference of 5–6 and 6–7 cm were planted in three terms: 29.09; 09.10 and 19.10.
It was stated that term of planting as well as size of bulbs have significant effect on number and weight of bulbs in the total yield and in the yield of the biggest bulbs (over 6 cm circumference). The optimal term of planting was 29.09, when the best results were obtained. Bulbs of circumference of 5–6 cm gave significantly bigger yield than those of 6–7 cm circumference in respect to quantity and weight.

Słowa kluczowe:

Allium moly, term of planting, size of bulbs

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Jerzy Hetman 
Agricultural University in Lublin
Halina Laskowska 
Agricultural University in Lublin
Wojciech Durlak 
Agricultural University in Lublin


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