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Vol. 20 No. 5 (2021)


The influence of foliar fertilization of maiden pear trees and soaking the root system of the rootstocks in hydrogel with the addition of Trifender WP preparation on the growth of maiden quince trees in a nursery

Submitted: February 13, 2020
Published: 2021-10-29


The comparison of the influence of foliar fertilization with four preparations on the growth of ‘Conference’ maiden pear trees growing on MA quince rootstock was conducted in a nursery in a three-year period. The evaluation was conducted on the basis of maidens growth parameters and the state of their leaf minerals content as well as on photosynthetic activity of the maiden trees. The preparations used in the experiment affected the improvement of some growth parameters studied, especially the stem diameter and fresh mass of the maidens. Biopuls Original turned out to be the best preparation as it improved significantly three out of five studied growth parameters. A varied impact of the preparations used on the content of micro and macro-elements in leaves was detected. All tested preparations positively influenced the leaves area index of maiden trees except for Blackjak preparation. Photosynthetic intensity of maiden pear trees nourished through leaves was significantly smaller in comparison with the control. Only plants treated with Biopulus Original were characterized by a higher concentration of CO2 and its level in intercellular space. The aim of the second experiment was to check the influence of the application of Trifender WP preparation with hydrogel on the growth of ‘Champion’ maiden quince trees at the stage of planting the rootstocks into a nursery. A better branching of the rootstocks was obtained after the use of the preparation with hydrogel and the hydrogel alone. The trees in these combinations were also characterized by bigger fresh and dry mass of the leaves. The influence of Trifinder WP applied in connection with hydrogel was the best.


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