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Vol. 22 No. 3 (2023)


The influence of chilling hours on root starch content, growth and yield of strawberry tray plants

Submitted: July 1, 2022
Published: 2023-06-30


The chilling requirements of two strawberry cultivars (‘Sonata’, ‘Albion’) were assessed by evaluating the starch accumulation levels in the tray plants’ root system and their subsequent growth and yielding. The research was conducted in an experimental orchard and a greenhouse of the National Institute of Horticultural Research in Skierniewice, Poland, in 2017–2019 (2 cycles of obtaining planting material and growing plants). The tray plants (rooted tips) were grown in the natural field conditions until they were transferred in batches to a cold store (–2°C) on five different dates: 12 Oct., 30 Oct., 20 Nov., 11 Dec., and 3 Jan. (of the following year). The number of accumulated chilling hours less than 7°C was recorded for each transfer date, and the roots were analysed for starch content at the time of transfer. After the end of cold storage (3 months, standardised for all treatments), the plants were planted in pots and transferred to a greenhouse to assess growth and plant yielding. The obtained results indicate that chilling induces changes in the extent of starch accumulation. The highest starch accumulation in ‘Sonata’ roots was recorded when the plants received about 500 h of chilling (under Polish conditions accumulated in November/December). In the ‘Albion’ strawberry case, the maximum was found at the lower chilling level – about 300 h (middle of November). The highest fruit yields were produced by ‘Sonata’ plants, for which the number of chilling hours (0–7°C) was 500–800 h. In the case of ‘Albion’, the values were 2–3 times lower. A more extended period of keeping tray plants in field conditions (over 1000 h of chilling) resulted in a deterioration in fruit yield.


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