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Tom 14 Nr 3 (2015)



Przesłane: 9 listopada 2020
Opublikowane: 2015-06-30


There are seed propagated walnut (Juglans regia L.) populations with the vast genetic variation in different part of Turkey. There are also lots of monoecious and dichogamous genotypes in Turkey due to continuing sexual propagation. This study was conducted to determine genetic variability and to select superior walnut genotypes within seedling population grown in Kemah district in Eastern Anatolia during 2009–2012. In the study over 25.000 walnut trees were examined with high heterozygosis from point of yield (lateral fruitfulness), tolerance to anthracnose, bacterial blight and nut quality parameters. The ratio of lateral fruitfulness of selected genotypes was ranged from 50 to 80%. Leafing time in selected genotypes are found medium group according to international well-known ‘Franquette’ cultivar that is late leafing characteristic. Nut weight, length, diameter (at suture) and shell thickness varied from 11.18 to 15.20 g, 32.55 to 36.62 mm, 31.58 to 36.15 mm and 1.11 to 2.33 mm, respectively. Kernel weight and percentage varied from 6.14 g to 8.00 g and 47.08 to 58.57%. Kernel fat and protein content were between 55.18 to 65.70% and 14.70 to 20.10%, respectively.


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