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Tom 7 Nr 3 (2008)



Przesłane: 19 lutego 2021
Opublikowane: 2008-09-30


In presented studies was undertaken the attempt to determine the effectiveness of such preparations as Biochikol 020 PC and Biosept 33 SL in limiting the growth of T. myrtilli in vitro. Moreover, the protective effect of these biopreparations and Dithane M45 80WP for highbush blueberry stems was determined. The studies carried out in vitro indicated that Biochikol 020 as well as Biosept 33 SL significantly limited the growth and development of pathogen. Very strong inhibition of hyphae growth and its deep degradation were caused by Biosept 33 SL in concentration 0.3%. Similarly, in experiment on protecting action of selected preparations for stems of highbush blueberry against T. myrtilli, Biochikol 020 and Biosept 33 SL inhibited the growth of pathogen. But its protective effects were weaker in comparison to Dithane M45 80WP because after the application of this preparation the development of disease symptoms caused by T. myrtilli was significantly lower.


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