Role and significance of bioasecurity against ASF in the opinions of pig producers

Monika Szymczuk

Instytut Hodowli Zwierząt i Ochrony Bioróżnorodnosci, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie

Jakub Kalinowski

Artur Niedzielski

Aleksandra Sawczyk

Marek Babicz


The aim of the work was to examine the situation in the national pigmeat market in the face of the threat of African Swine Fever (ASF). The survey was conducted by questionnaire survey. Participated in it 50 respondents aged between 18 and 60. The survey consisted of questions about biosecurity as the basic method of preventing the spread of ASF virus and social and economic risks. The most common cause of swine infection is indirect contact with the virus. The appearance of ASF virus has had a negative impact on the pork market in Poland, resulting in its restrictions in exports, costs of eliminating outbreaks of disease and introduction of strict biosecurity principles. In modern, specialized pig farms, a decrease in the health of the herd can lead to serious economic losses, which is why the principles of biosecurity should be an integral part of the entire production process. According to the respondents, African swine fever destroys Polish breeding and breeding pigs and is a threat to domestic meat production, and thus causes a rapid increase in pork imports from other EU countries.


pigs, African Swine Fever, pork, biosecurity


Monika Szymczuk 
Instytut Hodowli Zwierząt i Ochrony Bioróżnorodnosci, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie
Jakub Kalinowski 
Artur Niedzielski 
Aleksandra Sawczyk 
Marek Babicz 


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